Serveroffer - Hosting infrastructure provider

Dedicated servers hosting

Bare Metal Dedicated servers

System CPU:
CPU vendor:
Server Default configuration Setup
Intel Celeron G3930
(2x2.9 GHz)
Benchmark: 3032
RAM: 4GB DDR4 Setup
Disks: 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Added: GPU Intel HD Graphics 610
Price: € 27.00
Intel i3-3240
(4x3.4 GHz)
Benchmark: 4308
RAM: 16GB DDR3 Setup
Disks: 1TB HDD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Added: GPU Intel HD Graphics 2500
Price: € 35.00
Intel Xeon E3-1225v2
(4x3.2 GHz/3.6 GHz)
Benchmark: 6922
RAM: 16GB DDR3 Setup
Disks: 480GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Added: GPU Intel HD P4000
Price: € 38.00
Intel i7-3770
(8x3.4 GHz/3.9 GHz)
Benchmark: 9305
RAM: 16GB DDR3 Setup
Disks: 240GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Added: GPU Intel HD Graphics 4000
Price: € 40.00
Intel Xeon E3-1270v3
(8x3.5 GHz/3.9 GHz)
Benchmark: 9916
RAM: 32GB DDR3 ECC Setup
Disks: 480GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 48.00
Intel Xeon E3-1245v6
(8x3.7 GHz/4.1 GHz)
Benchmark: 10553
RAM: 32GB DDR4 Setup
Disks: 480GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Added: GPU Intel HD Graphics P630
KVM: +
Price: € 55.00
AMD Opteron 6276
(16x2.3 GHz/3.2 GHz)
Benchmark: 8889
RAM: 64GB DDR3 ECC Setup
Disks: 480GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Price: € 57.00
Intel Xeon E5-2620v2
(12x2.1 GHz/2.6 GHz)
Benchmark: 8600
RAM: 32GB DDR3 ECC Setup
Disks: 120GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 58.00
Intel Xeon E-2144G
(8x3.6 GHz/4.5 GHz)
Benchmark: 9597
RAM: 32GB DDR4 Setup
Disks: 1TB NVMe
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 59.00
Intel i7-10700
(16x2.9 GHz/4.8 GHz)
Benchmark: 16909
RAM: 32GB DDR4 Setup
Disks: 1TB NVMe
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Added: GPU Intel UHD Graphics 630
Price: € 69.00
Intel Xeon E5-1620v3
(8x3.5 GHz/3.6 GHz)
Benchmark: 7027
RAM: 32GB DDR4 ECC Setup
Disks: 960GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 70.00
Intel i7-10700
(16x2.9 GHz/4.8 GHz)
Benchmark: 16909
RAM: 64GB DDR4 Setup
Disks: 1TB NVMe
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Added: GPU Intel UHD Graphics 630
Price: € 76.00
Intel Xeon E-2236
(12x3.4 GHz/4.8 GHz)
Benchmark: 14456
RAM: 32GB DDR4 Setup
Disks: 1TB NVMe
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 81.00
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2696v2
(48x2.5 GHz/3.3 GHz)
Benchmark: 23518
RAM: 64GB DDR3 ECC Setup
Disks: 1TB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 109.00
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2697v2
(48x2.7 GHz/3.5 GHz)
Benchmark: 24017
RAM: 64GB DDR3 ECC Setup
Disks: 1TB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 115.00
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2695v2
(48x2.4 GHz/3.2 GHz)
Benchmark: 21717
RAM: 64GB DDR3 ECC Setup
Disks: 480GB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 129.00
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2696v2
(48x2.5 GHz/3.3 GHz)
Benchmark: 23518
RAM: 32GB DDR3 ECC Setup
Disks: 1TB SSD
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 132.00
Intel i9-11900K
(16x3.5 GHz/5.2 GHz)
Benchmark: 25560
RAM: 64GB DDR4 Setup
Disks: 1TB NVMe
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
Added: GPU GeForce 605 1GB
Price: € 141.00
Dual Intel Xeon Gold 6138
(80x2.0 GHz/3.7 GHz)
Benchmark: 44243
RAM: 256GB DDR4 ECC Setup
Disks: 2TB NVMe
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 305.00
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3975WX
(64x3.5 GHz/4.2 GHz)
Benchmark: 62775
RAM: 256GB DDR4 ECC Setup
Disks: 4TB NVMe
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
IP address: 1 IPv4
KVM: +
Price: € 514.00
Prices are shown with VAT
These packages are separate psysical servers.


Best performance - all server resources belongs to your project only
Total privacy - the only person who has the access to server data is you
Additional components - possible to install hardware add-ons like GPU, NIC, audio processor and more


Location: own data centre in northern Europe, Lithuania (EU)
Dedicated servers can be customized, please ask support for more details
SSH (Linux OS) or Remote Desktop (Windows OS) access
1 hour actication time (work days)
99.9% uptime guarantee
Dedicated servers are self managed
KVM allows install of operating system using custom ISO image
Operating systems list
AlmaLinux 8
CentOS 6 (latest)
CentOS 6 (latest) 32-bit
CentOS 6.8
CentOS 7 (latest)
CentOS 7.2.1511
CentOS 7.4.1708
CentOS 8 (latest)
Citrix Xenserver 6.2
Citrix Xenserver 6.5
Citrix Xenserver 7.0
Debian Bullseye
Debian Buster
Debian Stretch
Fedora 22
FreeBSD 8.2
FreeBSD 11.1
OpenSuse 12.3
OpenSuse 13.1
OpenSuse 13.2
OpenSuse 42.3
Ovirt management server
Proxmox VE 3.0
Proxmox VE 4
Proxmox VE 5
Proxmox VE 6
Scientific Linux 6
Sysrcd 4.3.1 [rescue system]
Sysrcd 4.3.1 [rescue system] (32-bit)
Sysrcd 5.1.0 [rescue system]
Sysrcd 5.1.0 [rescue system] (32-bit)
Sysrcd 6.1.6 [rescue system]
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (32-bit)
Ubuntu 15.04
Ubuntu 15.04 (32-bit)
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (32-bit)
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
VMware ESXi 6.5 U1
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Evaluation (Server with a GUI)
Windows Server 2016 Standard Evaluation (Desktop Experience)
Windows Server 2019 Standard Evaluation (Desktop)
Windows Server 2022 Standard Evaluation (Desktop Experience)


IPv4 IP address
1 Gbps port speed
Bandwidth 100 Mbps, shared, unmetered
Multi-homed network connectivity

Available add-ons

Graphics processor GPU (Nvidia, Radeon, Intel), allows to use all 3D rendering compatibilities on the server side
Additional IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6)
Plug-in hardware upgrades (CPU, HW RAID, NIC, Audio)
DDoS protection (TCP and UDP)
ASN autonomous system parking
Dedicated router hosting
Internal VLAN setup
Network resources rent

Payment methods

Payment methods selection